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By default the plugin will try to resolve your base typescript configuration file and your workspace configuration file.

Default configuration looks like this:

"workspace": {
"workspaceConfig": "angular.json",
"workspaceTsConfig": "tsconfig.json",
"libsFolder": "projects",

Angular CLI setup

Default config fits perfectly with Angular CLI.

Nx Setup

In case that Lowgular does not find the files specified in a default config, it will attempt to look for common setup with NX.

For the typescript configuration it will fall back to tsconfig.base.json

For the workspace configuration it will fall back to worskpace.json

IMPORTANT: it will use projects folder to create the libraries, you might want to modify your configuration to use libs folder instead.

Custom setup

In case that you get an error, then you can configure your own workspace setup.

You can configure your workspace settings in coding-standards.json file, all you have to do is to add workspace key and the config exactly like the one above.