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You can configure ready to use lists, which can be connected with data properties from the component. These will appear in the Actions... -> Display Data list for array type of properties.

"lists": {
"yourFavouriteList": {
"list": "<mat-list role=\"list\">$content$</mat-list>",
"item": "<mat-list-item role=\"listitem\" *ngFor=\"let $itemVariable$ of $listVariable$\">{{$itemVariable$}}</mat-list-item>"

Properties of list templates


Required property.

This is how Lowgular will display container of the list. You can decide if you want to use ul, mat-list or select-box or maybe grid.


Required property.

This is how Lowgular will display item of the list. You can decide if you want use li or mat-list-item or maybe option.

Available global variables